“Ah si j’étais goy!” also available on Kobo and Amazon under the original title “Si t’as peur dans le noir, allume!” and with a dapper new cover. Format: EPUB2, Kindle

Myriam ou la joie de vivre, a short story from Catherine Fuhg in l’Abécédaire incomplet de l’humour juif…

Pariente Deborah, a translator of books and of Jewish origin, lives with her four kids in Paris. Raised as a child of communist parents, she embraces a non-religious, non-Jewish lifestyle. She calls herself Veronica, is trying to settle her third marriage through divorce, smokes like a chimney, never eats kosher and even works on Sabbath! But one day, the four children announce that they decided to celebrate Yom-Kippur. Not only that but they even want to carry the star of David! Veronica is thrown into religious family chaos! The closer they get to Hanukkah, 25th December, Deborah begins to see how hard it is to escape her Jewish roots.
The humorous and witty book tells of the transformative power of love and the way children force you to confront your insecurities. It touches on fundamental themes such as fear of change and religious identity but also broaches current issues like single-parenting.
Upcoming books
Her other novels are looking for a publisher:

La Grosse, l’Amour et le Tramway, a romantic fantasy, with lots of love, miracles, and a nice load of humor.

Amour et Vocation, a romantic comedy, in Paris, in the world of fashion, with a nice load of humor.

Question de principe, a romantic thriller. Yes. She knows. Not what you’ve expected. And that’s exactly what she wants. Surprise you again and again. What? No humor this time? Of course, humor! What else?
Film work
Catherine shot commercials and music videos for BMG Ariola, German cabaret artist and musician Olaf Schubert and Variances Sports amongst others. She directed her first feature film DEKAdance – der Film, a comedic film portrait, which trails the cult band DEKAdance’s 20-year history back in 2004. She has also been writing several screenplays for television and film.
She is currently working on a fictiondocu about women’s humor and laughter.
Other works
Catherine has worked as a journalist In Los Angeles in another life, it seems. But in the current one, she has worked for different new outlets as Opinion Internationale, Israel Magazine…